i joined facebook in 2004 when my roommates in college told me that it was the "new" thing to do. after spending multiple hours finding people i had not talked to since high school, i realized that it was a huge waste of time. i began slowly tapering myself away from the site because my studies dictated so. when i graduated and started looking for a job, i deleted the entire profile because i was, and still am, under the impression that school districts can use it in their hiring process (if i were a principal, i'd be looking at a potential hiree's page). two years went by and alas, i found myself at Full Sail and had multiple professors suggest (almost require) that I rejoin facebook. since then, here are some things i've thought about the site (decide what you may if they are positive or negative):
1. it definitely wastes time
2. it helps the old and new generations converge
3. it lessens boundaries for educators who chose to interact with their students on the site
4. it makes educators more vulnerable
5. it helps people network
6. it allows socially inept, 8th-year college seniors to find "true love" with a 19-year-old (or vice versa)
7. it lets me communicate with friends who've moved on to other places
8. it only operates within time parameters based on when participants check it (very little real-time interaction)
9. it promotes gossip and allows other people to post innappropriate things that might be associated with you
10. it can get teachers in trouble for using it at the workplace (i've seen it happen)
11. it allowed me to be proud of my newborn son in ways that i never thought possible
12. it made me examine myself (even in the most minute ways)
13. it made me pay attention to details (trivial or not) that i hadn't before
14. it made me start taking pictures again
15. it made me write this...
facebook status: ambiguous...
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